our comment policy

We reserve the right for posts on Glow in the Woods to reflect all aspects of healing—and this includes some opinions, rants or moments of despair that may be unfashionable in non-babyloss circles. We share our journeys—the good, the bad and the raw—in order to continue moving forward by way of understanding and solidarity. We are not averse to differences of opinion as long as they’re expressed with patience and respect.

Comments are removed at the discretion of editors. If your comment has been deleted, we respectfully ask you to not post an argument about its removal. We also reserve the right to allow a comment that another person may see as offensive. We err on the side of inclusivity and do our best not to limit speech.

We love this cabin in the woods and want it to be warm and welcoming, a safe place. For the vast majority of you this disclaimer is not necessary, and we’re endlessly thankful for that.

Blessings and peace,
the medusas