Who are you

Guest writer Lindsey and her husband tried for 3 years to get pregnant. “Something went wrong and the baby died,” she writes. They are still awaiting testing for gender and genetic issues.

I am reaching but you have drifted away. Time seems to stand still and while the world keeps turning for others mine has stopped entirely. Time no longer exists in this place.

There are others among us that are waiting for something that will never arrive. For a song that will never be sang. We don’t look up. We do not speak. We wander place that only the empty arms have access to.

I cannot let you go. I am angry that no one talks about you like before. The excitement for your precious life has been washed away. Your father and I are the only ones now who speak of you, ache for you and agonize over you leaving.

I hope you are safe, wherever you went.

It haunts me to think I will never get to protect you. When the genetic test comes back we will know your name. The two names are both so sacred to us.

It will be all I have left. A name. Your name. It is the one thing I will give you.

It is every birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter baskets and trick or treating. It is your first word, first steps. First scrape and first day of school. It is your high school graduation and wedding day. It is every moment. We love you still. We will never forget.

We are now all connected in loss. I send love and peace to the other moms, dads and parents.

When you read other parents’ stories here at Glow, what kind of feeling does it create within you?